Can Diet Cure Depression?

Yes, says Dr. Felice Jacka. She is a Professor at Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Director, Food and Mood Centre. Founder and President, International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (

As per Dr. Jacka, studies have shown the beneficial effects of a healthy diet, not only on decreasing the risk of depression but also on improving active depressive symptoms. A healthy diet is associated with an approximately 30% reduction in the risk of depression and a 40% improvement in cognition. 

So, what kind of diet does Dr. Jacka recommend? 

She calls it the “The MediMod Diet”. I call it the “Makes-Sense Diet”. It’s a modified version of the Mediterranean diet. No foods are prohibited, and there is no calorie counting. Patients were encouraged to eat more foods that we know are healthy for the brain: whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, fish, extra virgin olive oil, and of course fruits and vegetables. At the same time, they should reduce their intake of things that are particularly noxious to brain health: ultra-processed foods, fried or fast foods, sugary drinks and desserts, and refined flours like white bread. Click here for more details of the diet and how to implement it in your life.

Additional links: Mental Health Grocery List and Antidepressant Cookbook.

Here are some ways to get started: Brain-Friendly Food Swaps

Some food for thought you all !!